Monday, November 16, 2015

We're Going on a Leaf Hunt

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited that this week is a review week in my classroom.  We FINALLY had some time to catch up on different lessons.  One of my new favorite lessons is the LEAF HUNT!  I really wanted to do this a couple weeks ago when we were focusing on adjectives for the first time but, all I can say is that today was SO much fun. The weather was wonderful.  We started off by reading We're going on a Leaf Hunt By, Steve Metzger.  We continue our lesson by going outside where each child found one leaf.  I gave them plenty of time to look for the perfect one.  I told them beforehand that their job was going to be to describe this leaf to me, and they LOVED it!!  When we came back in I gave each child a Post-It note, they had to write one word on their Post-It and we then went around the room describing our leaves. Then we finished up with a small activity that was placed in our science folders!  Talk about fun, we got to enjoy this awesome fall Alabama weather,  review adjectives, and do a little science all at the same time!

Take a look further into our leaf hunt:



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