Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Well hello everyone!

It is about time that I update my blog. MY GOODNESS it has been 3 months.  That is embarrassing but let me tell you this teacher has still been working! I started off my TPT store in September, and how I have learned the time and commitment it takes.  Now SEVEN MONTHS in I have been seeing successful changes and I now have 38 products! It is so much fun!!! I love that I have made this choice to take on the adventure of Teachers Pay Teachers.  Now lets just talk about the excitement of attending the conference in July! I cannot wait to listen to and learn from all the seller and teachers who are so successful and intelligent! Is it July 12th yet?

Not only will I be visiting Florida this summer for the conference, my family and I will be MOVING TO FLORIDA!  Aarons job is taking us to the Bay County Area. NERVES ARE OVERTAKING MY BODY! I am so anxious to find a job, get a classroom, and make it my own.  I also have to find daycare, and a place to live.  This momma/teacher has a very busy next two months! I cannot wait to get settled and see what the next year will bring J

Now I am going to update my blog from a couple special days throughout the past couple months! I promise I will be better from here on out!

I really get to call this home in May!


Author Study


Holiday Fun

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