Monday, April 11, 2016

Zoo Week!

Hey everyone!
Happy Monday,  am I allowed to say that :) I was so happy to get back to my classroom this morning! I had to leave an hour early on Friday because my little one had a 102.6 fever! Scary to say the least but we cuddled and she was all better, now if we can fight off this rain and just have beautiful blue skies and sunshine my week would go a lot smoother!

IT IS ZOO WEEK IN MY CLASSROOM. Not only do the kids enjoy it but I have a blast :) We started by writing about what animals we can't wait to see at the zoo and we get to wear our zoo-teligence hats all week long! My students love it! Hope you enjoy your week! I will update later with all the fun activities we complete and let you know how our field trip to the zoo ends up :)

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