Wednesday, June 22, 2016

This is summer!

Good Morning Everyone!

I am finally getting into my morning "summer routine".  THE BIG MOVE is done, I have made a few visits to my new work in progress classroom (LOTS OF WORK TO DO BUT IT WAS SOOOO CLEAN WHEN I WENT YESTERDAY) and getting to celebrate Harper's FIRST BIRTHDAY! Wow Life goes so quick! Summer time is busier than the school year if you ask me.  I think it is  because I try and pack everything in and I feel like I should be able to get more done... but I forget, life with an almost 1 year old can be quite busy.. yet very enjoyable.  Another thing I am so excited about is my TPT store, and my Facebook page! I have had the help of Alexis Sanchez from Laugh, Eat, Learn and she has been Fabulous! Everything is looking great!

It is time to get down and dirty with working in my classroom , enjoying each day with my sweet girl, and PREPARING FOR THE TPT CONFERENCE IN ORLANDO!!! Time is Ticking :) Here is a look at the past week of my life!


Harper's Birthday in Ohio with my parents and family :)

Life is good!