Sunday, September 11, 2016

Flag Ceremony and AR kickoff

Something that really stands out to me at the school I am now teaching at is how involved the students are in aspect of the day.   Actually how they lead the school!  IT IS FABULOUS! From being safety guards in the morning, greeters, leading the video announcements to making speeches when it comes to special activities.  THESE STUDENTS ROCK.  They really do understand what being a leader means and how it helps in everyday situations.   This past week we had a flag ceremony to remember those who we lost during 9/11.  This was the first assembly I had gone to at our school.  WOW, this is all I can say.  Not one adult said anything. (except saying a big thank you to everyone for coming)  These wonderful students gave speeches, honored our local firemen, led the entire school in the national anthem, and pledge.  We had speakers from k-5 remembering there part in the presentation!

Thank you everyone who was involved, you all did a fabulous job! I was very impressed!

We kicked off AR on Friday too! We had a wonderful kickoff which was led by teachers! This was quite a show as well.  The students loved it! Now they will be ready to bombarden me for the rest of the year to take tests :) Which I do not mind! As long as they are really reading and earning the points! :)

What really "Matters"

Wow! It sure has been a busy couple of weeks here in second grade.  We have finally had almost a full week and I am anticipating this 5 day week ahead.  From me having pink eye and strep, to hurricane Hermane we have a full week to learn and embrace the classroom! Here goes nothing.

So when it comes to teaching, what really matters?  What will the students remember and what do they need to learn? Somethings have worked and somethings have not but I will tell you my students come daily ready and prepared for fun.  One of our vocab words last week was DEPEND, my favorite sentence that a student used as an example was "We DEPEND on you, Ms. G to have a fun day planned for us."  That is exactly right, the day WILL be fun and we WILL learn.
I have decided I am going to do my best and pick out my favorite lesson of the week each week.  I want to reflect upon many things but not only what we have done but why I have enjoyed it so much.

Lesson of the week #1:

This week I have chosen our science lesson we have spent time learning about properties and matter.  I really do enjoy teaching hands on, I understand that every lesson is not going to involve food but sometimes it really does help :) We had the opportunity to make coke floats, and my students have mastered what a solid, liquid, and a gas is.  I truly believe for students to remember you have to make it fun and interesting.  I am not going to remember something boring so why would they? We also use an interactive science notebook which was purchased off of TPT which is wonderful to go along with the CCSS and our weekly objectives! (Thank you, Primary Graffiti)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Apple Product! Math, Reading, Writing and Science

Check out my new Apple product! The first person to comment will get this product for free!  :) Thank you for checking out my blog!