Sunday, September 11, 2016

Flag Ceremony and AR kickoff

Something that really stands out to me at the school I am now teaching at is how involved the students are in aspect of the day.   Actually how they lead the school!  IT IS FABULOUS! From being safety guards in the morning, greeters, leading the video announcements to making speeches when it comes to special activities.  THESE STUDENTS ROCK.  They really do understand what being a leader means and how it helps in everyday situations.   This past week we had a flag ceremony to remember those who we lost during 9/11.  This was the first assembly I had gone to at our school.  WOW, this is all I can say.  Not one adult said anything. (except saying a big thank you to everyone for coming)  These wonderful students gave speeches, honored our local firemen, led the entire school in the national anthem, and pledge.  We had speakers from k-5 remembering there part in the presentation!

Thank you everyone who was involved, you all did a fabulous job! I was very impressed!

We kicked off AR on Friday too! We had a wonderful kickoff which was led by teachers! This was quite a show as well.  The students loved it! Now they will be ready to bombarden me for the rest of the year to take tests :) Which I do not mind! As long as they are really reading and earning the points! :)

What really "Matters"

Wow! It sure has been a busy couple of weeks here in second grade.  We have finally had almost a full week and I am anticipating this 5 day week ahead.  From me having pink eye and strep, to hurricane Hermane we have a full week to learn and embrace the classroom! Here goes nothing.

So when it comes to teaching, what really matters?  What will the students remember and what do they need to learn? Somethings have worked and somethings have not but I will tell you my students come daily ready and prepared for fun.  One of our vocab words last week was DEPEND, my favorite sentence that a student used as an example was "We DEPEND on you, Ms. G to have a fun day planned for us."  That is exactly right, the day WILL be fun and we WILL learn.
I have decided I am going to do my best and pick out my favorite lesson of the week each week.  I want to reflect upon many things but not only what we have done but why I have enjoyed it so much.

Lesson of the week #1:

This week I have chosen our science lesson we have spent time learning about properties and matter.  I really do enjoy teaching hands on, I understand that every lesson is not going to involve food but sometimes it really does help :) We had the opportunity to make coke floats, and my students have mastered what a solid, liquid, and a gas is.  I truly believe for students to remember you have to make it fun and interesting.  I am not going to remember something boring so why would they? We also use an interactive science notebook which was purchased off of TPT which is wonderful to go along with the CCSS and our weekly objectives! (Thank you, Primary Graffiti)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Apple Product! Math, Reading, Writing and Science

Check out my new Apple product! The first person to comment will get this product for free!  :) Thank you for checking out my blog!

Sunday, August 28, 2016


New Year. New School. New Grade

Wow, is all I can say.   I have worked my tail off and I am satisfied with the outcome thus far.  I have spent timeless hours working in my new SECOND GRADE classroom.  Oh, how I have learned setting up a classroom with a 1 year old would be soo different!  She follows and does exactly what her mommy does.. EVEN IF IT MEANS CLIMBING THE LADDER!!! That was the last of Harper coming with me to work in my room, she made more of a mess anyways!  Well I am now at a Leader in Me school,and not only are we Leader in Me are are a LIGHTHOUSE school.. this means a whole new world for me.  I previously was at a Leader in Me school but we were no where near as involved.  My new school that I am a an AWESOME example of where every Leader school will want be one day! For now, I am trying to juggle all of my new exciting Leader in Me activities, ways of teaching my students to be amazing leaders, and keep my head above water but I have officially made it through the first week of school.  Here I have attached some pictures of my new SECOND GRADE CLASSROOM!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

This is summer!

Good Morning Everyone!

I am finally getting into my morning "summer routine".  THE BIG MOVE is done, I have made a few visits to my new work in progress classroom (LOTS OF WORK TO DO BUT IT WAS SOOOO CLEAN WHEN I WENT YESTERDAY) and getting to celebrate Harper's FIRST BIRTHDAY! Wow Life goes so quick! Summer time is busier than the school year if you ask me.  I think it is  because I try and pack everything in and I feel like I should be able to get more done... but I forget, life with an almost 1 year old can be quite busy.. yet very enjoyable.  Another thing I am so excited about is my TPT store, and my Facebook page! I have had the help of Alexis Sanchez from Laugh, Eat, Learn and she has been Fabulous! Everything is looking great!

It is time to get down and dirty with working in my classroom , enjoying each day with my sweet girl, and PREPARING FOR THE TPT CONFERENCE IN ORLANDO!!! Time is Ticking :) Here is a look at the past week of my life!


Harper's Birthday in Ohio with my parents and family :)

Life is good!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Elementary Teacher of the Year


How is everyone!  It has been a rough couple of weeks! I went down to Florida... looking for a home...and I also was able to meet with a couple schools in hopes of being able to find my "new classroom".  This is so scary for me because since college my dream school was Rock Quarry Elementary.  In my wildest dream would I one day be employed at the school I am at today.. and I got an interview before I even graduated.  I know I have to stay positive and have an open mind because I will get a job.  No it may not be what I am used to or in Kindergarten but Hey, I am not opposed to teacher another grade or meeting some awesome other teachers! So until I find out where I will be teaching next year lets continue  talking about this year!

I am bragging on my co-teacher.  She is the Special Education teacher in my school, we are the same age, been teaching the same amount of years.. only thing she went to Auburn and I went to Alabama, but I have to say she is THE BEST TEACHER!  Her and I teach 3 students together.  She has been so extremely helpful and wonderful to work with.  We have been able to bring the students from her classroom into my classroom so much this year!  I do not know who enjoys this more, the students or us.  Now onto the best part, she has been telling me I have to go to a special education meeting with her, which happens to be this past Monday. (I knew she was getting an award for New Comer of the Year) so of course I said I would come.. I show up with my backpack and planner like any teacher nerd would. I sit down and notice... hmm they have changed this to just the awards ceremony.. in my mind I am thinking "Rachel is going to die when she hears her name" (Rachel is the Spec.Ed. Teacher).. as I start listening I hear something.. the speaker is describing my classroom, etc.  Not only did Rachel get an award I did too! I was as red as red gets! So shocked! I had received Elementary Teacher of the Year ! I am so thankful for how hard I have worked this year... As I was saying earlier in this post, RQES is my favorite school ever! I have loved this school from the beginning when I was the America Reads tutor from the Financial Aid program at the University of Alabama.  I have worked my tail off since I was 18 years old.  I was determined to become such a wonderful teacher and I will continue to do so... This award has showed me that hard work and dedication really does show in the end, and it is amazing how much it makes me just want to work even harder!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Zoo Week!

Hey everyone!
Happy Monday,  am I allowed to say that :) I was so happy to get back to my classroom this morning! I had to leave an hour early on Friday because my little one had a 102.6 fever! Scary to say the least but we cuddled and she was all better, now if we can fight off this rain and just have beautiful blue skies and sunshine my week would go a lot smoother!

IT IS ZOO WEEK IN MY CLASSROOM. Not only do the kids enjoy it but I have a blast :) We started by writing about what animals we can't wait to see at the zoo and we get to wear our zoo-teligence hats all week long! My students love it! Hope you enjoy your week! I will update later with all the fun activities we complete and let you know how our field trip to the zoo ends up :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Well hello everyone!

It is about time that I update my blog. MY GOODNESS it has been 3 months.  That is embarrassing but let me tell you this teacher has still been working! I started off my TPT store in September, and how I have learned the time and commitment it takes.  Now SEVEN MONTHS in I have been seeing successful changes and I now have 38 products! It is so much fun!!! I love that I have made this choice to take on the adventure of Teachers Pay Teachers.  Now lets just talk about the excitement of attending the conference in July! I cannot wait to listen to and learn from all the seller and teachers who are so successful and intelligent! Is it July 12th yet?

Not only will I be visiting Florida this summer for the conference, my family and I will be MOVING TO FLORIDA!  Aarons job is taking us to the Bay County Area. NERVES ARE OVERTAKING MY BODY! I am so anxious to find a job, get a classroom, and make it my own.  I also have to find daycare, and a place to live.  This momma/teacher has a very busy next two months! I cannot wait to get settled and see what the next year will bring J

Now I am going to update my blog from a couple special days throughout the past couple months! I promise I will be better from here on out!

I really get to call this home in May!


Author Study


Holiday Fun

Monday, February 8, 2016

Chinese New Year

We had such a wonderful time celebrating Chinese New Year in my classroom.  I am so lucky to have parents who volunteered to come and teach all about the Chinese traditions.  We enjoyed making lanterns, flowers, listened to a read aloud, and each student was given a gift bag.  This gift bag included a red envelope for money, and a snowflake. (Our guest even included one for my daughter) I was excited I found out we both are the year of the sheep!  Since the cycle is 12 years, and we are 24 years apart we share the same Zodiac sign! How exciting!  We also heard the new years song.  My students really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year!


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Winter is SNOW much fun!

We have been bundled up this week, so we think for our little dusting of snow in Alabama. Winter is one of my favorite times of the year when it comes to teaching! It is so much fun.  There are so many interactive lessons, crafts, and maybe even some activities that include snacking :)

This week I incorporated a little snack into our lesson.  In my kinder class we were reviewing sequencing.  There are so many fun things that can go along this this lesson but yesterday we built our very own snowmen.  It was too much fun! I began the lesson by reading Sneezy the Snowman by, Maureen Wright.  (If you have not read it to your class you need to! I will also attach the link at the bottom of my post) We completed an anchor chart all together, then it was their turn.  They got to build their own snowman.

Materials: (Minus the Redbull) 

The students had so much fun.  When they finished building their own snowman they had to complete their own 'mini anchor chart'.  They used the words First, Next, and Last.  This was the way I was able to assess them on the material in such a fun way. (This will be included the in the Sequencing:Sneezy the Snowman product in my store)